Latest Off the Couch
Off the Couch
Jacob L. Freedman MD
Off the Couch
Jacob L. Freedman MD
Off the Couch
Jacob L. Freedman MD
Off the Couch
Jacob L. Freedman MD
Off the Couch
Jacob L. Freedman MD
Family Matters
He always thought of everything, so I didn’t have to. Now it was my job, and it was daunting
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
At a particular stage of my husband’s illness, it became clear that the shul we were attending no longer met our needs
Joan Zlotnick
I don’t want to get involved — but I need to
Esty Heller
You may not agree with our choices, but why are you punishing my son?
Dina Greenspan
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Episode 3: What is true beauty?
Miriam Kosman
Podcast: Mars & Venus Leave Egypt
Would you prefer to be the one taking the Jews out of Egypt...or Egypt out of the Jews?
Miriam Kosman
Out of Step
The resilience she’s built up from overcoming her pain will help her go so far
Ariella Schiller
Out of Step
"I kind of had a crash course this year in growing up. You won’t know this, Deeny-beany, but I used to dance"
Ariella Schiller
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Faigy Peritzman
What I’m Holding On To
“Just toss it!” is the rallying cry of these weeks. But some items we simply can’t bring ourselves to discard. 9 writers share
Cindy Scarr
More Off the Couch
Off the Couch

“Their behavior doesn’t change your inherent value, all it does is prove that they aren’t good gemologists”  

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Off the Couch

“Lazer, who gave you the idea that you’re a worthless failure?”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Off the Couch

“Hashem has to run the world because otherwise we’d need to make sense out of our pain and we can’t”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Off the Couch

Yonatan had access to unlimited funds. Then what was the lying, stealing, and manipulating about?

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Off the Couch

“Yonatan, this is perhaps the most therapeutic moment you’ve had in your entire life”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD

Off the Couch

“Maybe the kid is just a ganef. End of story. Why do you think otherwise?”

By Jacob L. Freedman MD