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Rochel Samet
Rochel Samet
Rochel Samet
Rochel Samet
Rochel Samet
A Storied People
I met Dr. Meir Wikler at a shabbaton and he shared the following personal story with me
Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
A Storied People
I no longer had the luxury of putting this off; I needed to set my fears aside and start my own business
Rabbi Nachman Seltzer
Grab the Reins
“These addicts give up everything to get clean. They leave their homes, their families, their jobs, they leave their creature comforts and everything else behind” ,Grab the Reins: Chapter 34,“These addicts give up everything to get clean. They leave their homes, their families, their jobs, they leave their creature comforts and everything else behind”
Shoshana Schwartz
Grab the Reins
“When something really does bother you but you don’t let yourself feel it, that’s a problem. That’s what causes resentments”,Grab the Reins: Chapter 33,“When something really does bother you but you don’t let yourself feel it, that’s a problem. That’s what causes resentments”
Shoshana Schwartz
Money Talks
Marshall Allen is the author of Never Pay the First Bill, a book about navigating the American health care system
Shterna Lazaroff
Money Talks
Selling points with master salesman Andrew Singer
Learning Curve
Aviva doesn’t show up to work for a few days, causing Suri to worry. Chavi tells Aviva’s mother that she’s been sick all week
Gila Arnold
Learning Curve
Hoping the peal hadn’t woken her children, she ran to the door. Standing on her doorstep were the last two people Yael would have expected to see
Gila Arnold
Bedrock of Belief
We are in the world of planting, but the time to reap will come
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
Bedrock of Belief
What do you really yearn for?
Mrs. Shani Mendlowitz
More Normal

“Mostly I’m studying with — Kayla. My sister.” The words are strange and weighty on her tongue

By Rochel Samet


So these are Kayla’s new chevreh? How did they even get here? Was it planned?

By Rochel Samet


Tova strides around the perimeter of the room, calling instructions. Abruptly, she heads back to the front and turns off the music.

By Rochel Samet


Suddenly, Mimi feels a surge of pity for Kayla   Eight days. That means just over one week to cram: Chumash and Navi and Tefillah and Historiah and…. Mimi presses both hands to her temples. How? How is it even going to be possible? Who even dreamed up the idea of this dumb seminary test

By Rochel Samet


Mimi’s parents explain why Kayla switched schools. Mimi comes to accept the situation — and her sister

By Rochel Samet


“Mmm.” Something clicks in Mimi’s brain. She hesitates, then switches off the music. “You… you nervous, Kayla?”

By Rochel Samet