Latest My Lightning Flash
My Lightning Flash
Mishpacha Contributors
My Lightning Flash
Shoshana Schwartz
My Lightning Flash
Faigy Weinberger
My Lightning Flash
Sarah Moses Spero
My Lightning Flash
Beth Perkel
5 out of 10
The dinner is March 1 and there is no turning back
Dovid Bashevkin
5 out of 10
Tu B’Shevat tells the world what kind of Jew you are
Dovid Bashevkin
I understand that she wants to tell me something. I stroke her hand and force myself to be patient as she struggles to form words
Tovy Mann
“Mommy? Mommy!” I say. Two tears travel slowly down her face. I jump up and bend closer to her. “Ima! Ima! Mommy’s crying!”
Tovy Mann
This year our flight will be twice as long, and you had better believe that I double- and triple-checked our tickets
Hadassa Swerds
Okaaay. Somebody call the cops. This pack of five-year-olds is clearly up to no good
Hadassa Swerds
In the Numbers
As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. Six women share a moment that illuminated their path I break Cheerios into thirds, the metronome-like clicks sounding at regular intervals. I’m an overprotective first-time mother
Boaz Bachrach
In the Numbers
“He said you will definitely have two children, maybe even three.”
Rabbi Akiva Fox
Diaper cream, cribs, bottles, and all your baby questions answered
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
The halachos of muktzeh are suspended when it comes to moving repulsive items (graf shel re’ii)
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
More My Lightning Flash
My Lightning Flash

As we stood at Har Sinai, the experience flooded senses; we saw the thunder, heard the lightning. The lightning fades, but the sudden burst of clarity takes you forward. 6 women share a moment that illuminated their path

By Michal Abrahams