Latest Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782
Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782
Ariella Schiller and Miriam Milstein
Software Savvy
Enter Mendy’s grand idea: Calling me and learning about field service management software
Liora Waxman with Esther Kurtz
Software Savvy
Empower your business with smart software choices
Liora Waxman with Esther Kurtz
Enjoy a glimpse at the joy they sparked Mishpacha thanks our generous sponsors for their meaningful donations to Make Her Day     Refresh your memory: Chedva came into our lives two years ago after the passing of her incredible foster mother. She has special needs and many medical complications, including severe osteopenia, which means she
Rabbi Yaakov Feitman
FamilyTable Feature
Enjoy a glimpse at the joy they sparked Mishpacha thanks our generous sponsors for their meaningful donations to Make Her Day     Refresh your memory: Chedva came into our lives two years ago after the passing of her incredible foster mother. She has special needs and many medical complications, including severe osteopenia, which means she
Danielle Renov
FamilyTable Feature
I served this soup to my guests last Succos, and it was a huge hit! It does require some advance prep work
Naomi Nachman
Why Elul needs a hard heart — and a soft one
Miriam Kosman
 The Megillah presents a road map to our redemption
Mrs. Aviva Orlian
Now We're Talking
“When we start at Chapter 26, we have no idea what happened in the 25 previous chapters”
Sara Eisemann
Now We're Talking
“Ahh, the life of a frum woman. The needs of everyone around us are pressing and relentless”
Sara Eisemann
More Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782
Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782

Enjoy a glimpse at the joy they sparked

By Ariella Schiller and Miriam Milstein