Latest LifeTakes
Yehudis Lieber
Rivky Singer
Rivka Streicher
Rebecca Feldbaum
Bracha Levenstein
Tech Talk
The demands on the modern-day religious woman pull her in 30 different directions at all times. We move on to the next task without finishing the first
Aliza Feder
Tech Talk
I researched until I felt like I had an accurate grasp of the studies and concerns. And I came to the conclusion that tackling this topic directly is important — and impossible.
Aliza Feder
"Is there a peirush on Chumash you consider indispensable when learning the weekly parshah?"
Mishpacha Staff
As a teenager, I found myself going back and referencing it again and again
Mishpacha Staff
If you ever read any book about love languages, my mother’s picture should be on the opening of the chapter on gift giving
Mattie Weinberg
Fighting for our baby’s every breath, we gained just as much as we gave
C. Saphir
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Readers
Jr.s Unite to Fight Coronavirus
Send us your experiences, kabbalos, quips, and activity ideas during the coronavirus lockdown, and watch this space!
Jr. Contributors
Make Her Day: Succos 5782
“Strong” is so overused that it’s too trite to give people a real understanding of who she is and what she has gone through
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day: Succos 5782
"I’d love to give her something to brighten her Yom Tov so that she feels special and knows how loved she is"
Ariella Schiller
More LifeTakes

When you buy a house, you purchase the place that will become a home. A headache arises from a place deep within, loaded with so many what-ifs,

By Faigy Markowitz


I remember waiting on the driveway for Zevi’s playgroup van when he was three, and his graduation to real school buses when he was five. I miss those moments of fun, when we’d wait for the bus as a family. I miss last year’s quiet, early morning talks. Doesn’t he?,

By Miriam Esther Pinkesz


Though nearly half a century had gone by, I could still picture high school Suri on the other end of the line

By Maurine Weiner


Listening to Baba’s story, her words penetrated deeper than any mussar speech. Because Baba is so… real. Beneath her petite frame, my grandmother is a very powerful person. Passionate. No weak, hazy, beliefs; when Baba believes something, she lives it in every breath she takes,

By Rayzel Reich


I strive to fill the hours, build a routine, drown out the seconds ticking away. But filling time isn’t living and I want to live

By Batya Jacobs


But before I can start cooking, I remember the daily chapter of Tehillim I’ve promised to recite for the refuah of a young lady

By Esther Teichtal