“Beware the snobbery that makes a person believe they have the only knowledgeable eye in the room”
“Maybe it’s time to rethink how we do this whole mechilah thing — no pain, no gain!”
The Chofetz Chaim’s deep emunah in the imminent geulah was so real to him that despite all the difficulties involved and all the objections, he felt that he had no choice but to make his way to Eretz Yisrael even at such an advanced age
“Every parent of a special-needs child fears the day they will no longer be around to care for them”
“I am the only chareidi-presenting woman employed at my Tel Aviv high-tech company, and over the past few years, I have experienced countless moments that show that the spark truly is there”
“It is important that a child knows it is normal and human to make mistakes and to support them to learn how to clear up the mess”