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Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Minhag Match-up
“What if we look at our own interactions to discover ways to acknowledge, respect, and emphasize with the other side’s viewpoint?” It Is Important to Daven in Yeshivah [Portal to the Potential Me / Issue 1027] A great yasher koyach to Yehuda Geberer for his enlightening article on the evolution of the yeshivah system down
Chanie Apfelbaum
Minhag Match-up
“What if we look at our own interactions to discover ways to acknowledge, respect, and emphasize with the other side’s viewpoint?” It Is Important to Daven in Yeshivah [Portal to the Potential Me / Issue 1027] A great yasher koyach to Yehuda Geberer for his enlightening article on the evolution of the yeshivah system down
Chavi Feldman
Ask the Expert
“What if we look at our own interactions to discover ways to acknowledge, respect, and emphasize with the other side’s viewpoint?” It Is Important to Daven in Yeshivah [Portal to the Potential Me / Issue 1027] A great yasher koyach to Yehuda Geberer for his enlightening article on the evolution of the yeshivah system down
Leah Reisman
The Search: Pesach 5782
Nine writers recount their search for chometz — and what they found
Shoshana Greenspan
The Search: Pesach 5782
Nine writers recount their search — and what they found
Esty Heller
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Without my friends to distract me, I realized the pit in my stomach wasn’t only from overeating, it was also from unease
Chani Muller
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Dovid shook his head. “It’s not ready. We have to perfect the hermetic seal that attaches the bag to the mouth of the bread eater”
Penina Steinbruch
Five Random Questions
I think we’re all trying to be considerate of each other. As my father said, “We became such good friends!”
Shoshana Itzkowitz
Five Random Questions
"I love nature and beautiful scenery. The Alps are as un-NYC as you can get!"
Chaya Rosen
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“Why not glorify our real heroes, the wonderful frum young men in the IDF? Why glorify secular atheists?”

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“We can no longer depend on our counselors to be mentors for our children”

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“After reading Rav Kerzner’s piece, I will now commit to using this tactic in the ruchniyus world instead”

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“I think Picture This is doing a masterful job at highlighting some of the challenges that come up for a newly married couple”

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“The Klausenburger Rebbe is especially remembered for his foresight in establishing yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs immediately after the war in the DP camps”

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“Shana Rishona Gift is primarily to help struggling newlywed couples (like Estee and Yonah), but also to remove the general stigma of therapy in our circles”

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