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Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rikki Silver
Naming Myself
Most of us are given our Jewish names at birth. But sometimes, we gain our name later in life. 3 accounts
Rochel Samet
Your Money and Your Life
“I’m not going to be a good fit for every potential client, and not every potential client will be a good fit for me”
R.C. Steif
Your Money and Your Life
I’m a preschool teacher and not a businesswoman, I’d like some help deciding if a product is truly a winner and how to market it
R.C. Steif
Close Call
If you’re ashamed to tell people about the friendship, that’s an important sign that shows you don’t feel proud of it
Mrs. Chani Juravel
Close Call
The more time passed, the more clarity I gained about what the problem had been with this friendship in the first place. And in one word, the answer was, “extreme”
Devoiry Braunstein
Therapy Toolbox
“I know what the feeling is. It’s…” Batsheva took a deep, shuddering breath. “It’s like I can’t stand being in my own skin….”
Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT
Therapy Toolbox
How to break free when your teen is holding the family hostage
Abby Delouya B.A, B.Ed, MFT
Plate art
With so much fish being served over Yom Tov, here’s a pretty yet simple plating idea.
Esther Ottensoser
Plate art
Here are a few special touches that will enhance your Yom Tov table
Esther Ottensoser
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“When our teachers are underpaid and, even more, underappreciated, this is a huge deterrent…we have discouraged young women from the field of education”

By Family First Readers


“Kibbud av v’eim, as my rav states, is a mitzvah we are obligated to do when parents act like parents”

By Mishpacha Readers


“It’s now time for the medical community to recognize that ultimately Hashem is pulling the strings”

By Mishpacha Readers


“As a retired family physician, I have been concerned to hear that many people seem to feel that once they have had Covid they are ‘done with it’” 

By Mishpacha Readers


“Kallah teachers, mentors and the like need to know their place and when and where to insert themselves — and if it’s ever appropriate to leave the parents out completely”

By Mishpacha Readers


“If our mosdos insist on creating rules that do not acknowledge the reality of today’s challenges, they cannot expect the average parent to be truthful”

By Mishpacha Readers