Latest In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Chani Muller
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Chaya Rosen
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
Penina Steinbruch
Now Jacob’s pathetic cries were a mockery, and I trembled, my knees pulled tight up to my chin. I could not, would not hold him in my arms and watch him slip away. Not again
Perl Weisz
“You need to choose to fight this monster or he’ll get the better of you. You can live a happy life, you can break free of this. The first step is to want to get better.”
Michal Marcus
Every Soul a World
Just as Moshe Rabeinu’s birthday and Yahrzeit are on the same day, so, too, Rabbi Dahan was decreed to be taken from us on his birthday. One year since his passing
Penina Steinbruch
Every Soul a World
“Yakov, in his short life in This World, succeeded in becoming a walking kiddush Hashem”
Ariella Schiller
Make Her Day
We asked: Do you know someone whose life needs brightening? We gave you $100. And you made her day
Make Her Day
We gave them $100. They made someone’s day. 9 stories
Ariella Schiller
Name Drop
When he was younger, he sounded off in order to survive. Today he’s an advocate for his people by choice. With Yossi Gestetner’s open mike, no one goes down without a fight
Yisroel Besser
Name Drop
His zeide loved connecting with other Jews and so does he_— through digital age albums and scouting out raw talent that no computer can replace,
Yisroel Besser
Diary Serial
“Please check on the patient in Room 5,” the nurse repeated, and I was strangely irritated by her clinical tone
Shoshana Gross
Diary Serial
“Shabbos is Shabbos,” he said with finality. “Shabbos comes first. Looking for heterim is not the proper approach”
Shoshana Gross
More In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782
In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782

Without my friends to distract me, I realized the pit in my stomach wasn’t only from overeating, it was also from unease

By Chani Muller

In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782

His heart pinched with worry for his cousin, but there was no time to focus on that. Not when there were ten children age ten and under in the house

By Chaya Rosen

In the Nick of Time: Jr. Pesach Supplement 5782

Dovid shook his head. “It’s not ready. We have to perfect the hermetic seal that attaches the bag to the mouth of the bread eater”

By Penina Steinbruch