Latest heart to table
heart to table
Leah Hamaoui
heart to table
Leah Hamaoui
heart to table
Leah Hamaoui
heart to table
Leah Hamaoui
The Lonely Wait
Within all the sound, do we hear the voices of the young men and women themselves?
Faigie Zelcer
The Lonely Wait
Adopt a Shadchan (AAS) began with a small group of dedicated shadchanim, committed to helping singles find their match
Lisa Elefant
This Way That Way
Peppery and slightly spicy with a punch of a crunch, radishes have become everyone’s favorite addition to salads
FamilyTable Contributors
This Way That Way
All the benefits of a classic roast with flavors that make it fresh and current.
FamilyTable Contributors
Here I Mourn
There are places that epitomize the destruction: Six writers share the location in which  they touch the Churban
Mishpacha Contributors
This was the first time that working hard, fast, and creatively would get me in trouble.
Chef Suzie Gornish
Turning Point: Jr. Chanukah Supplement 5783
Ephraim knew they were his cousins. But he’d prefer they didn’t exist, really
Chaya Rosen
More heart to table
heart to table

I wanted to take the classic chicken soup and give it that Sephardic twist by adding warmth and depth of flavor

By Leah Hamaoui

heart to table

In the Sephardic world of flavor, cinnamon is a prominent and essential spice

By Leah Hamaoui

heart to table

Lachmagine are mini meat pizzas, and they’re hearty, with a rich flavor combination

By Leah Hamaoui

heart to table

  Photography by Chay Berger food prep by leah hamaoui   Hey! I’m Leah Hamaoui. Welcome to my column Heart to Table. The name of this column really says it all. Cooking is a language we use to show love and care to our families. From the moment you walk into the supermarket to buy

By Leah Hamaoui