Editors Note
Whether we promote ourselves on Instagram or not, we all already have a unique brand of our own — because Hashem made us that way.
Alex Abel
Editors Note
When I get to that place, I remember that Hashem has a plan tailor-made for me
Alex Abel
True Colors
The only thing I thought I was good at was being lonely. And trust me, it’s not a good thing to be good at
Chaya Rosen
True Colors
Since when do fire alarms actually mean a fire?
Chaya Rosen
Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
I didn’t know what else to say. Poor Asher! How would I feel if I was suddenly cut off from Yoel and Yom Tov and Tulli and all my friends?
Shifra Glick
Bentzi and the Mystery in the Museum
So, can it really be…? No! It seems I was wrong to suspect Shuki. I don’t want to risk suspecting Asher wrongly too
Shifra Glick
Next in Line
"I don’t want to waste my time trying to copy Abba, I’d rather develop according to my own abilities"
Riki Goldstein
Next in Line
"I inherited some of the passion and I am outspoken, but regretfully, not the same degree of tact"
Riki Goldstein
Heaven-Sent: Pesach Theme 5783
This Yom Tov, when Eliyahu HaNavi visits every household, we share a collection of first-person encounters, tales of miraculous intervention by a mysterious figure
Rachel Bachrach
More Friendship Fix
Friendship Fix

She’s a more permissive parent — and it’s tearing us apart

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Friendship Fix

My friend is needy and negative. I don’t want to get sucked in

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Friendship Fix

We shared everything — and then I married her brother

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Friendship Fix

I don’t judge or view myself against others — except when I interact with Tova

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Friendship Fix

You Asked M y husband and I moved with our family a few years ago from a big city to a smaller, “in-between” type of out-of-town community. It’s in-between in that it’s big enough to have its own frum infrastructure (i.e. we don’t have to send our kids away for quality chinuch), but small enough

By Shoshana Itzkowitz

Friendship Fix

As parents we hear a lot of “How come we’re the only ones who…” But guess what? You’re not the only ones. It’s normal

By Shoshana Itzkowitz