Dearest Mommy, We are yours. You wait for the validation of a baby’s first cry. Then, at last, you will feel that you deserve the title “Mommy.” But you are no less a Mommy than all the mothers around you. We are your neshamalehs. We are a paradox. We are the easiest children and we
I am thoroughly thankful and humbled by the Jerusalem outside my window
Dear Customer, I have a secret to tell you. I couldn’t share it when you were in my jewelry store the other day, because I wanted to make a sale. But now that you left without buying anything, I’ll tell it to you. You and your husband were looking at my display of
D ear Fellow Mothers, Who’s on your mishloach manos list this year? Friends, teachers, rabbanim, coworkers. We package ourselves up in cellophane and ribbon and send this little representation to people who fit our status. Then we look at our children, run down the class lists, and prod them to choose the “right” friends