He skipped out of the bakery, but I was still stewing. How could she forget my challos?
And then I scream. Because he makes me scream! He, with the round blue eyes, glassy windows into a kaleidoscope brain that spins faster than the planet on which he walks. On which he runs. Jumps, cartwheels across, headstands upon, bulldozes through. He, who finds the earth beneath pressed palms even more beautiful upside down
Every year I am a little bit sad on that first day as my children go off to a new year
Eleven months a year, I’m a staunch city girl…But come July, and I am transformed into a country girl
I was nearly ten years old, and some of my friends were signed up for sleepaway camp. To my limited knowledge, there was only one religious camp that we Chicago kids could attend: Camp Moshava. But my parents never sent me. Was it the expense? We were four children and my mother stayed at home
In the myriad of “coincidences” scattered across merely one lone day of my blessed existence, I know that Hashem cares for His daughter, just as He knows the location of every lowly grain of sand