Autism affects some 2 million people in the United States and tens of millions worldwide. In the past their world was impenetrable to outsiders. Today we have a better grasp of autism, allowing us a glimpse of what it’s like to live in the mind of an autistic.
Your daughter flies off to seminary in Israel for the year … and returns a changed woman. She dresses differently, won’t eat certain hechsherim, and davens for hours. How to tell if the changes in her behavior are healthy, tips on diffusing any tension, plus ways to make her homecoming a smooth one
Organic food is often romanticized as the salvation for our food system, but it may not be as idealistic as it sounds
How many people attend your Purim seuda? 10? 20? 30? What’s it like to host a seuda with double or triple that number of guests? Four woman from across the globe share the nuts and bolts of how to host a seuda that rivals Achashverosh’s (or at least tries to) and still smile to tell the tale
In much the same way that we refer to our secular brothers and sisters as “not-yet frum,” I look at my new 8-quart Farberware (and I have had many over the years) as “not-yet fleishig.”
What’s the secret to living a more content, joyful life? Researchers, psychologists, and other happiness hunters have been trying to figure that out. Here are some of the strategies they turned up