Singer Isaac Honig: I can give you a few examples of songs that give me a real uplift. These are songs that were surely composed with a great feeling of connection because that comes across, giving the listener a derhoibene feeling. Yossi Green classics, like “Ka’ayol Taarog” and “Emes Ki Atah Hu Yotzrom” on Avraham
If music has the power to transport us back in time, the distinctive voice of Reb Abish Brodt singing on last month’s release Mashmia Shuloim took listeners back a few decades. The Regesh series of albums were a well-loved heimishe sound in the 1980s and 1990s, and Reb Abish — also famed for his singing at
“I was three years old when I first stood next to my grandfather, Chazzan Aaron Schwebel, when he led the davening on the Yamim Noraim,” says singer/composer Eli Schwebel. Today, a choir of 20 people stands around Eli’s father, Rivie Schwebel, when he davens for the amud on Rosh Hashanah, and grandson Eli is involved in