Latest Calligraphy
Michal Marcus
Rachael Lavon
Dov Haller
Zivia Reischer
Riki Goldstein
Screen Safer
“I want to help you, Mendy,” I said. “But this isn’t the best place for this conversation”
Bayla Hersher
Screen Safer
Without waiting for me to ask a single question, everything that led up to Chesky’s expulsion came tumbling out
Bayla Hersher
Baby Steps
I slowly wrote the rest of my reply, hit send, and opened up a world of possibilities
Helen Shere
Baby Steps
I should probably let the shul know that I won’t be available to host in a few months... But then again...
Helen Shere
If you’re not looking for Heavenly signs if the boy you’re dating is your zivug, what approach should you take?
Rabbi Menachem Nissel
Why Elul needs a hard heart — and a soft one
Miriam Kosman
Getting out in the morning with little kids can be nuts! What are your suggestions to ease the morning madness?
Mindel Kassorla
Our cover story, “Opening the Books” in Issue 1030 continues to draw vigorous and passionate feedback. Here is a sampling:
Mishpacha Readers
“Everyone agrees an education is a basic right. It should be the same for frum children”
Mishpacha Readers
More Calligraphy

Listen, it’s your first Yom Tov back home as a married lady. It’s normal to be nervous. She casts a quick glance at Menachem, who seems to have dozed off, as doubt gnaws at her.

By Faigy Schonfeld


“Why would Hashem want me to suffer so much humiliation from being with my sister-in-law all Yom Tov? I mean, you know how small I feel next to her, Shmu—she’s an impossible act to follow!”

By Riva Pomerantz


Once you passed a certain age, he maintained, learning was an indulgence to be reserved for the early hours of the morning, and a little more at night — before, or after, one worked up a sweat to earn one’s daily bread. How could I argue with that? He had given me all I had.

By Esther Teichtal


“Crazy! Who ever heard of a chassidishe meidel arranging things with a shadchan by herself? Her parents know nothing — she just goes ahead and meets a boy? And to a what? A moderne lawyer who wears a pink shirt, probably! You can forget it, Rikki. You — can — for — get — it!”

By Shuli Mayer


What was it about this woman that unnerved him? Was it her pride in her job? Her unfamiliarity with the obvious? The hunger to do, to accomplish, outside of her home?

By Blimie Rabinowitz


Davey’s eyes flicker to my right sleeve and I narrow my eyes as he vacillates over my fate. Is there anything left of me, or have I been reduced to a cripple?

By Rachael Lavon