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Chewy Ice Cream Cones

Chewy Ice Cream Cones

No one ever gets bored of Rice Krispies Treats (at least nobody I know!). This will be an instant summer favorite for children of all ages.


  • 1 recipe homemade peanut chews
  • 1 recipe Rice Krispies Treats
  • Strawberry Fluff
  • Cocoa Pebbles
  1. Prepare the Rice Krispies Treats recipe.

For the pink “ice cream,” prepare a small amount with Strawberry Fluff instead of regular Marshmallow Fluff. For the brown “ice cream,” prepare a small amount with Cocoa Pebbles instead of Rice Krispies. 42. Shape the peanut chew mixture into ice cream cones. Add the colored treat mixture as a scoop of ice cream on top.

(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 706)

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