| Recipes |

Broccoli Kugel

Recipe by Mr. Spilman

Mr. Spilman was kind enough to share his signature recipe for broccoli kugel with us.


2 lb (910 g) frozen broccoli florets, defrosted
1 small onion
8 eggs
5 oz (140 g) oil
half tsp garlic powder
salt and pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).

Place broccoli and onion into the food processor. Pulse until blended but not too finely ground. Add the rest of the ingredients and pulse until mixed well.

Spray pan with Pam or the like.

Pour mixture into a 3-lb (1.36-kg) loaf pan.

Bake uncovered until golden brown, approximately 1 hour.

(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 902)

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