| Teen Fiction |


Gown-hunting, that should be fun. And hairstyles and makeup appointments... hey, I could enjoy that part. If I could forget what all the fuss was actually about


There was an enormous flower arrangement balancing precariously on the sofa. I blinked.

“Ma? Why are there flowers on the sofa?”

Ma came out from the other room, phone tucked between shoulder and ear. She was scribbling furiously in a notebook and saying something about a band, three-piece or five-piece, and a violinist for the chuppah, that’s very important to the other side.

“Never mind,” I said, waving a hand. I wandered into the dining room, ahh, that was why the flowers had no home. There were leftover cakes and a pile of gifts and three suits in dry-cleaner wrapping, all draped across the dining room table. Figures.

“Is Shaya home for Shabbos?” Rivky asked, coming up behind me. I shrugged. Shaya had been home more than he’d been in yeshivah lately, what with dating, then the engagement, first the l’chayim and then last night’s vort. Usually, I loved having my older brother around. Now… well, even when he was around, he wasn’t.

“He’s probably for sure gonna stay this week, right? I bet he will. He’ll probably eat by Tova’s family for one meal, hey, that’s so funny, he’s going to have in-laws!” Rivky chattered on. I bit my lip.

“Yeah, probably,” I said.

“I wonder what Tova will decide about the color scheme,” Rivky continued. “I hope it’s a nice color. Ma said we could go look for gowns next week, did she tell you?”

“Yeah,” I said again, but this time the corners of my mouth lifted a little. Gown-hunting, that should be fun. And hairstyles and makeup appointments... hey, I could enjoy that part. If I could forget what all the fuss was actually about.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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