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As We Say: Issue 904

Many in the frum community had their own concerns that related to being able to daven Shacharis at the proper zeman

Hora’as Sha’ah

Last week, the Senate passed a bill that would extend Daylight Savings Time permanently, a move that quickly attracted much criticism from Americans who worried about the prospect of sending their children to school and going to work under the cover of darkness. Many in the frum community had their own concerns that related to being able to daven Shacharis at the proper zeman. “Hora’as sha’ah” literally means “the ruling of the hour,” and is a halachic term used to denote an emergency ruling that is not to be used permanently, but is needed just for that “sha’ah.” When news of the Senate vote broke, many expressed hope that Congress’s controversial “hora’as sha’ah” will survive only as long as a hora’as sha’ah is intended to last — not much longer than a sha’ah.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 904)

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