
Ari Goldwag’s Last Minute Decision

Every artist wants his album to be as perfect as can be, but sometimes he has to take a gamble. Is the song he’s deliberating over going to soar or flop? Is that last-minute replacement going to be dynamic or a sleeper?

How do you know you've made the right choice?

Ari Goldwag

Back in 2009, I had to make a big decision. My own last solo album had come out in 2004, and since then I had only produced the first Sheves Achim album, which was very popular. But I was ready for another project, and I couldn’t decide whether to record another studio album on my own, or another one with the boys. I opened up a Chumash in the method of goral HaGra and arrived at the pasuk “Shelach lecha anashim.” To me, this meant, send men for you. Send others to sing for you. And so Sheves Chaveirim was born, and along with it songs like “Hashem Loves You,” and many others.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 745)


Hashem Loves You
Ari Goldwag