
Baseline Bitachon

“Find My Soul” is a tribute to Ari’s grandmother who recently passed away at age 94


ARI GOLDWAG’s latest album, YESH LI HAKOL, has lots of fresh talent alongside his own multifaceted musical gifts and Doni Gross’s top-quality arrangements — he’s invited five new composers to showcase their songs and sing in alongside him. His own son Moshe Dov achieves a milestone with his upbeat composition “Pitzchu,” and another young talent, 11-year-old Yeshaya Levin of Woodmere, has written a beautiful slow song, “Beyado Afkid Ruchi.”

While Goldwag remains composer and solo artist on much of the album and his fans will appreciate the trademark sound they’re used to, Dovid Pearlman, a soloist in Miami Boys Choir from a few years ago, contributed a fresh, spunky “Ashira,” and listeners get a similar optimistic feel with Nesanel Life’s “Ah Ahalela.” Goldwag’s old Miami contemporary from earlier days, Bin Goldman, joins him to sing “Gam Ki Elech,” a song full of chizuk in both Hebrew and English.

The final track, “Bitchu,” reflects one of the main themes running through the album. “Emunah and bitachon were really the foundations of this album,” says Goldwag. “In the past, I was always pushing with human hishtadlus to get it out there. But this time around, I was much more focused on bitachon, asking Hashem for help and guidance, realizing that it wasn’t my hishtadlus, but rather His help that was creating the success.” This concept is also highlighted in a song written by Goldwag in honor of the Yovel dinner of the Yeshiva of Far Rockaway. Named “Alter of Novardok,” it’s a poignant musical setting to a famous poem written by the Steipler Gaon about the Alter’s faith while in a dark forest, and how it was rewarded with a stranger bringing him a candle.

“Find My Soul” is a tribute to Ari’s grandmother who recently passed away at age 94. A very musical woman who lived on a farm in upstate New York, he credits her with being “a very cool and special person, from whom I surely inherited a lot of my musical gifts.”

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 825)

Find My Soul
Ari Goldwag