| The Moment |

Always Giving

The chassidishe Yid in Scheiner’s depicted above is none other than the Dushinsky Rebbe himself

Photo: Akiva Pollack

The scene was typical of Monsey’s famed Scheiner’s minyan, which hosts a plethora of minyanim daily — a gabbai collects tzedakah and a distinguished looking chassidishe Yid deposits a small donation. But to those who may have spent some time in Yerushalayim’s Dushinsky shul, a massive edifice located on Rechov Shmuel Hanavi, the snapshot carried singular significance.

The Dushinsky shul is also home to a plethora of minyanim, and the dedicated gabbaim collecting tzedakah make their rounds there as well. The chassidishe Yid in Scheiner’s depicted above is none other than the Dushinsky Rebbe himself, davening in a corner, largely unnoticed. Thousands of miles from his own shul and thriving chassidus, the Rebbe is still perfectly at home. Minyanim come and minyanim go, and a few dollars in a pushke mark the token generosity of our people, no matter when, no matter where.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 951)

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