A Fitting Match

Ohr Naava Bridal Gemach
Jodi Rubin // Brooklyn
What We’ve Seen
A girl came to us and fell in love with a gorgeous, very expensive gown. The gown needed minor alterations, and to everyone’s chagrin, the seamstress ruined the dress. The kallah was devastated, but we were committed to making it work. With no time to spare, I sent her to a close friend of mine who immediately took care of the gown. My friend’s hands worked magic and baruch Hashem, the kallah wore the dress of her dreams (a little less exquisite than when she’d tried it on in my home, but she just loved this gown and would not give it up, especially since the wedding day was imminent.)
Many a time we’ll find the decisiveness and mazel a kallah had with finding the right one correlate to how she chooses a dress. We’ve had many a kallah tell us after finding the right gown off the rack on the first try that her chassan was the first suitor she met, and things just “clicked.” Similarly, some girls are looking for a specific “type” of guy, and they approach finding their gown no differently.
We’re still not immune to seeing the mother of the kallah cry when her daughter tries on a wedding gown for the first time. We’ve had girls call in their fathers (usually after they’ve decided on a dress; most men don’t have the patience for gown indecisiveness.) It’s a special moment to behold when it hits the parents that this is it: Our daughter’s getting married.
It’s not uncommon for me to get a text on Sunday that “I’m getting married on Wednesday, when can I come over?” These girls always find something. It helps that I know the inventory like the back of my hand, so before a girl comes, I usually speak with her about the style she’s looking for, and I can have a few preselected choices waiting for her.
What We Say
The young girls love the tulle-bottom gowns, while the older girls and ladies go for the elegant lace look.
Wear shoes with the height of the heel you’ll be wearing on your wedding day and come prepared with everything else you’ll be wearing then to ensure the right fit when trying on gowns.
Don’t settle for any gown. This is the first dress you’ll be wearing for your husband, and you should be pleased with your choice.
Ten Simcha/Risa’s Place
Risa Greenwald // Crown Heights
What We’ve Seen
I once had the privilege of assisting a school principal who was battling a difficult illness while preparing for her child’s upcoming wedding. I admired her optimism and emunah when she came to our gemach between treatments. I went all out for her. I knew we had to find something suitable on her first visit — this wasn’t a leisurely dress excursion.
Baruch Hashem, we found something gorgeous. I’ll never forget the looks on her children’s faces when they saw their mother looking so beautiful. Years later, I spoke to her now-grown children about this encounter with their mother. They were so grateful to hear my moving description of their special mother who tragically passed away when they were still young.
(Excerpted from Family First, Issue 629)
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