| Jr. Feature |

It’s That Time of Year Again!

What’s the special energy of the Yamim Noraim? How can we access it? Let’s ask some ordinary people how they find meaning in the unique mitzvos of Tishrei




Avraham B. is from New York. Every year, his family retells a story about their grandparents in Uyhel, Hungary, before World War II. On Shabbos Mevarchim (the Shabbos before the new month begins) before the month of Elul, the baal korei (the one who reads the Torah in shul) would announce, “Rosh Chodesh Elul will be on…” and then wait expectantly.

After pausing for a few moments, he would repeat more loudly, “Rosh Chodesh Elul will be on…” and again he would stop without completing the sentence. Only when the baal korei heard sounds of weeping coming from the women’s gallery did he finish the sentence by calling out the days of the coming week that marked the beginning of the month of Elul. Why did he do this? Jews in those days truly understood that the month of Elul means that the Days of Awe are coming. We must get ready!

The Magical Moment

We all spend these weeks trying to be better Jews. As Yom Kippur comes nearer, everyone tries to increase their concentration when davening. We give more tzedakah. We’re mindful of the words we speak to our parents, siblings, and friends. What is the best way to repair the mistakes we’ve made over the previous year so we can make next year better than this one, in every way?

Recently I spoke to a cross section of children and adults to hear what made these days especially meaningful in their lives. Each one mentioned the things we all know — but each one was induced to feel the kedushah in the Days of Awe by a different detail that spoke to them personally.

Chaim H. from Modiin Illit in Israel remembers that as a child, Yom Kippur began when his father blessed the children. The solemnity and sincerity of the blessings brought him straight into the holiness of the day.


Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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