| Teen Serial |

Upper Class: Chapter 25

“Two days?” I say. “You lasted two days? Listen, if it was a good secret, I’d get it. But I told you I was kidding"


I have nothing to wear to a bris. Like, nothing.

I call Debbi. “What are your thoughts,” I say, absentmindedly braiding my hair, “about me wearing a garbage bag to my nephew’s bris?”

Debbi laughs. “Oh, I say go for it. Make a statement. Mrs. Katz will love you for it. What a way to lessen the tremendous pull of gashmiyus.”

We groan. The school has been on a rampage in the past few days to get us all to be less clothing obsessed.

It’s true, though; the ninth graders are a bit out of control.

“Were we like that?” I ask Debbi, rifling through my closet one more time. I pull out a mauve ribbed dress with a matching cardigan. Maybe? Can you wear pink to a bris?

“Totally not, no one was like that. Those girls have more brands than an outlet mall. And they’re like hectic about them.”

I laugh. “Nice one. Omigosh, it’s totally going to be the Expo theme, no? Something about pashtus. Through the centuries, maybe.”

I hold the pink set up to myself, look in the mirror. Not bad. It brings color to my cheeks and contrasts nicely with my hair.



A sinking feeling fills my gut. Oh, no… “Debbi, I was kidding about Expo. you know that, right? This was not like an information leak or anything.”



“I gotta go, Nomes, ’kay? Hatzlachah with your outfit search.”

And she’s off before I can tell her about the mauve set.


Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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