| Teen Serial |

Upper Class: Chapter 24

I am NOT spending Shabbos alone with Ma and Ta. I refuse


MA’Snotebook is my new best friend. I just crack open its cover and let all of my crazy, mixed-up thoughts spill forward, not needing to worry about T4 or TMI or sounding like an actual cuckoo head.

My notebook is very accepting and nonjudgmental and honestly, I’d rather speak to it these days than anyone in my immediate circle of acquaintances. Debbi is living in la-la land, Yocheved is actually in denial, Ma is busy giving my friends detention — true story — and Libby is busy with practicals. My other friends are all busy asking me intrusive questions about Ma and her plans.

“I don’t know the expo theme,” I snap as someone taps me on the shoulder for the 15th time today.

Obviously, it’s the principal.

Mrs. Katz blinks at me in surprise. “I should hope not. We haven’t even picked it yet.”

Oh, this is just lovely. I blush from the roots of my hair to the tips of my loafers.

“Sorry,” I mutter to the principal. “I thought you were somebody else.”

Her blue eyes twinkle at me. “That’s all right. Long day, Naomi?”

And I’m not sure if she’s asking me about my emotions or my schedule, but suddenly I’m blinking back tears.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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