| The Moment |

Happening in… Issue 948

The thread of unity running through both events tell the real story

Photo: DEJA VIEWS/Larry Engelhart

Hundreds of Yidden completing Shas in one night is certainly an event deserving of coverage. Had the Shas-a-thon in Pennsylvania been an isolated event, we would have labeled it “Happening in Pennsylvania”; likewise for the Shas for Shidduchim event in Chicago.

But when both happen on the same night, the thread of unity running through both events tell the real story. As hundreds of Yidden learn thousands of blatt, hoping to merit yeshuos for brothers and sisters they’ve never met, we can only imagine the unparalleled simchah in Shamayim superseding any joy we could ever experience in This World. And we can only daven that this joy be reflected in the many brachos that will surely pour down from the Heavens as a result of this tremendous kiddush Hashem.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 948)

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