| The Moment |

Happening in… Issue 914

Only after the event did the organizers realize just how important it was that a cross section of yeshivos had joined

Over 400 bar-mitzvah age boys from around the Midwest and beyond converged in SANDUSKY, OHIO, for a gathering aimed at empowering them with the uniqueness and responsibility as bnei Torah as they transition into adulthood. Under the auspices of Pirchei Agudath Israel, the marathon event featured a shiur by Telshe Rosh Yeshivah Rav Aharon Dovid Golberg and a superstar lineup of some of today’s most recognized voices in chinuch. With yeshivos from across the Midwest invited to participate, the achdus was a welcome byproduct, yet only after the event did the organizers realize just how important it was that a cross section of yeshivos had joined. One out-of-town principal called to convey his gratitude, explaining that a boy from a less affiliated home who had been contemplating public school for next year made the decision to stay in yeshivah after attending the event, thanks to the experience, inspiration, and positive interactions with his new friends.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 914)

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