| Follow Me |

Follow Me: Chapter 57   

 “I was going to buy you chassan Bereishis,” Lieberman said. “But if I can win you over this way….”


Second days crept up on Yochi. One minute he was racing between concierge duties and program arrangements, the next minute everything ground to a halt and peace descended over the hotel.

Simchas Torah morning, he stood in the corner of the shul conference room, observing the crowd. The tables and chairs had been pushed to a side to make room for hakafos, little girls sat along the entrance wall, trading prizes and candy.

The room shook with lively singing and dancing, and Yochi couldn’t help smiling at the sight. The spirit that buoyed the circles of dancers was the magical result of a truly successful tour.

“I can’t believe we’re up to this,” he’d told Pessie the night before, as the waiter circled with desserts. “There’s a certain calm, now that Chol Hamoed is over, almost like our job here is done, even if closing up is a whole separate headache.”

Pessie dragged her miniature spoon through the chocolate ganache torte in front of her. “Right. Honestly, I can’t wait to be back home. Just go back to regular schedule, our own daled amos, know what I mean?”

He knew what she meant, even if he wished she didn’t really mean it. Now that the main action of the tour was behind him, he was actually enjoying spending the meals with Pessie and the kids, and he was finally getting to appreciate being pampered a little.

Well, he couldn’t change her, he couldn’t make her want this. Some people craved structure and routine, you can’t remake a person. Besides, she didn’t look too miserable — she seemed to have enjoyed at least some of the tour experience.

The seventh hakafah was winding down. Zeidy Lieberman was in his element, taking his candy man job very seriously. Yochi walked up behind him and slapped him on the back.

“Nu, Rabbiner, some Gushers?”

Mr. Lieberman grinned and threw a few packs of Sippies in his face. Yochi ducked.

“I was going to buy you chassan Bereishis,” Lieberman said. “But if I can win you over this way….”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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