Zeidy Zakon
| February 1, 2012Everyone into the jeep.
Bubby you can drive a jeep too?
Sure. I just don’t zoom like Zeidy. Is everybody ready? We’re going north to buy Zeidy a present.
What are we getting him?
A special bottle of wine to celebrate being part of Mishpacha Junior for a year and also to celebrate Tu B’Shvat.
What makes the wine special?
For one thing before you drink it you make the brachah of shehakol.
Shehakol?!?The brachah on wine is hagafen!
Not this one. When we get there you’ll see why. To get this special wine we are driving to Moshav (a small village) Kerem ben Zimra which is located in the Galil region. The Galil was home to the tribes of Asher and Naftali during the times of the First Beis HaMikdash. If you remember Yaakov blessed Asher with oil.
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<p><span style="color: #333333;">To read the rest of this story please buy this issue of Mishpacha or <a style="text-decoration: underline;" href="http://www.mishpacha.com/subscribe">sign up for a weekly subscription</a>.</span></p>
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