| Inside Israel |

Worthy of our Salute

Who is Lt.-Col. M., the Israeli soldier killed in the operation? As of this writing, his identity remains classified. But we do know that he was a 41-year-old father of two from the north.

In a statement, Chief of General Staff Gadi Eizenkot said that the IDF owes Lt.-Col. M. “more than we can talk about.” He further wrote that “his actions will not be publicized in the media, but he is worthy of our salute for the actions that he conducted, this one and others, that gave Israel an upper hand over its enemies.”

Further, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu called M. a “praiseworthy fighter.”

“The day will come when his full heroism will be publicized,” he said. “Israel’s citizens owe him a tremendous debt.”

In a conversation with Mishpacha, former chief of general staff Benny Gantz said M. and the officer who was injured are “truly from the best sons and citizens of this state. We need to be proud that we have such people.”

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 735)

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