
Who Picks the Menu?

Your sister is hosting your family’s annual potluck Chanukah party. Who gets to pick the menu?


Everyone works together to come up with the menu



Everyone gets to choose whatever dish they want to make



Your sister




I like being surprised by the food, and then reserve the right to get upset when it’s not to my liking.

—Yehudis, Queens

Menu planning is the worst, and everyone should have to suffer equally.

—Aviva, Cleveland

No really, I’m so happy to take care of the pasta, salad, and rolls while you graciously offer to buy the drinks!

—Esther, Lakewood

If planning together fails, call in the menfolk — or at least threaten to do so. The fear of that should help everyone get their act together.

—S. Roth, Monsey

There are always people who don’t understand that their opinions aren’t facts or rules.

—Chana M., London


(Originally featured in Family First, Issue 871)

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