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Who I Want to Be

We all have moments when we feel truly connected to something Higher, but how to hold on to those feelings?

BARUCH LEVINE’s moving new English song “V’SEIN CHELKEINU,” recently released on a music video by the Oorah kiruv organization, is all about connection. We all have moments when we feel truly connected to something Higher — the last minutes of Ne’ilah, the unbounded love and energy at a hachnassas sefer Torah — but how to hold on to those feelings? And what about those who never even had the exposure to access their inner yearning?

When Baruch (joined by child soloist Nachi Kaufman who adds a warm and heartfelt teenage touch) sings “V’sein chelkeinu b’Sorasecha  — can I be part of Your Glory? Your Torah, my treasure, for now and forever, I want You a part of my story. This is who I want to be, when I feel it, I feel me…” do we think about those on the outside — youngsters and adults we might meet — who might want to connect with “who they want to be?”


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 868)

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