Like a boxer throwing his hat in the ring to take on the reigning heavyweight SenatorChuckSchumer of New York indicated last week thatBarackObama’s Iran deal would not pass the Senate without a fight. After weeks of speculation Senator Schumer a third-term Democrat and the highest-ranking Jewish member in the Senate said in a lengthy statement that President Barack Obama’s long-negotiated deal with Iran stops short of preventing Iran from developing nuclear weapons and endangers the world by empowering the leading state sponsor of terror to spread its malevolence far and wide. “After deep study careful thought and considerable soul-searching I have decided I must oppose the agreement and will vote yes on a motion of disapproval ” Schumer said. Schumer is no Superman however. Even with his opposition to the deal — formally a vote on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) the agreement negotiated between Iran and six world powers — opponents face the daunting task of gathering 67 Senators and 291 House members to override a promised presidential veto. The showdown will come sometime in mid-September the deadline for the two months allotted to Congress to study and vote on a deal that the White House has spent the last two years negotiating.
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