
The Song I Can’t Stop Singing: Shlomo Simcha

You spend hours in the studio or on stage, tweaking the niggun you hope will be the season’s hit or singing what the audience wants to hear. But when you’re on your own, which song do you find yourself connecting to this season?

One that I love is “Memalei Kol Almim,” an old Breslov niggun with an added leibedig part by Shaya Gross, which Rabbi Meir Duvid Farkas made popular. The words are very profound and I have a real affinity for songs that have a chazzanus piece and a lot of depth, and then rise into a mood of spirit and joy.
—Shlomo Simcha

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 743)

Memale Kol Almin
Shaya Gross
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