Reb Dovid Werdyger a”h, the great chassidic chazzan and composer, was born in Krakow. When he was ten years old, Reb Yossele Hanchiner, the legendary composer of the Gerrer chassidus, visited the Werdyger family’s little shtibel in Krakow, where he led the congregation in Kabbalas Shabbos. As they were singing Lecha Dodi, his ears caught the melodious voice of a child. When the prayers were over, he made some inquiries and then approached young Dovid’s father, Reb Yisroel Aryeh Werdyger Hy”d, and asked if he could take the child to the court of the Imrei Emes of Gur to sing in the choir during the Yamim Noraim.