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The Person or the Plot

There are two basic types of music videos

There are two basic types of music videos: Some are built around a narrative — telling the story of the song or a story reflecting the song’s theme. Producer Motty Berkowitz, who burst onto the scene not long ago with his video work, gives an example.

“I just produced Uri Davidi’s video for Echad Ani Yodeah.’ The theme of the video is how uncertain things can be, and that we can hold on to the certainty of Hashem’s Oneness. We wrote a script for a film portraying a homeless man, then a group watching the Ukraine war headlines, then Davidi trying to record in the studio unsuccessfully, showing instances where life isn’t tied up in a neat bow.”

The second type of video doesn’t tell any kind of background story, but simply aims to showcase the performer and push the song forward. Shot in an attractive studio, outdoors, or in a home, it requires much less creativity than a narrative video.

“This is pretty common for up-and coming artists,” Motty explains. “Take kumzitz singer Moshe Katz, for example. The video I just produced for him promotes a Carlebach-type vibe, which is part of branding the singer and forming his image.”


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, issue 907)

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