The Hidden Palace: Chapter 6

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Y. Bromberg
“So… the boy I thought I killed because of my creation survived after all.” Shabsi stared at Sylvester

Y. Bromberg
Shabsi lifted his head from the ground and saw something rising from the dirt. So tall, so powerful

Y. Bromberg
Shabsi threw his body on top of the scrolls, but it was too late. Shimshon’s razor-sharp mind had already scanned the entire thing

Y. Bromberg
Shimshon could only watch as two more darts flew. In seconds, he was also fast asleep, swinging silently above the forest ground

Y. Bromberg
Sylvester howled in anger and pain as he plunged his arms into the fire and knocked the scrolls out of the flames

Y. Bromberg
They whirled around just in time to see a young man on horseback come galloping out of the trees, a massive branch in his powerful hands