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The Ultimate Healing

The story of Shamati begins in the mystical city of Tzfas, where the chevra discovered the seeds of this heavenly niggun under the guise of a melodious chant in the old city's famed echo cave. Something about these words, "Shomati et tefillatecha... I have heard your prayers; I have seen your tears. I will heal you..." juxtaposed with our nation’s deepest expression of yearning to come home to Yerushalayim and set to this beautiful melody, struck a chord deep within their hearts. Over the years of singing, pondering, and davening this niggun, Shomati evolved into its present form, eventually completed with a refrain added by Moshe Storch. When the Meron tragedy shook our world, TYH Nation released Shomati as our collective tefillah for the ultimate healing only Moshiach can bring, successfully raising half a million dollars for the families of those lost in conjunction with Yad Eliezer. A popular item in the TYH Nation catalog, the "Mashiach Suitcase," embodies the message of this track. This beautifully designed suitcase serves to reinforce our readiness for the geulah, our generation's most desperate plea and abiding hope: "Ribbono shel Olam! Take us home!"

שמעתי את תפילתךראיתי את דמעתיך הינני רופא לך
מלכים ב פרק כ פסוק ה

ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים
סידור התפילה


Artist Moshe Storch
Verse Adapted by Yonatan Meir Kimchi
Chorus by Moshe Storch
Produced by Mendy Portnoy


The Meron Kedoshim לע״נ

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 873)

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