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Takanas OSHA

Last week, the Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional, thus bringing Takanas OSHA to an abrupt end

Those who’ve learned Maseches Kesubos are familiar with the concept of “takanas usha,” a rabbinic injunction that prohibits spending more than one-fifth of one’s property on tzedakah, lest one become destitute as a result (see Sefer Ahavas Chesed, ch. 20, for details). But what about “Takanas OSHA,” a ruling by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration that sought to enforce a requirement that employees in large businesses be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing and wear a mask on the job? Last week, the Supreme Court ruled this unconstitutional, thus bringing Takanas OSHA to an abrupt end. But with many Yidden giving up to a fifth of their income for tzedakah — up until takanas usha — that might be an even better option for protection.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 897)

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