A message I’d heard over and over — that we don’t have forever to gather our dividends — suddenly became so real, I could touch it
No principal, teacher, or mother ever behaved condescendingly because of my secular background. It was just the energy and concentration it took to keep up with all the nuances.
We understood her desire to remain in her home and knew it had nothing to do with her not loving or missing us
Suddenly it is not about me and not about the girls whose hands I am holding steel tight. It is about all of our hands
Shaina may be smiling but I’ve been officially triggered. She’s right — breakfast most certainly did not look like this when she was growing up
My brother-in-law doesn’t appear very emotional about discovering this long-lost brother. He’s still hondling, and Mr. Kushinski still isn’t budging
When you’re not thinking about it, there’s restlessness and emptiness in your being. You turn the music up loud just to feel something beat in you
Yes, they are all slowpokes, and if only they would try to speed up a little.... But alas, the real fault lieth in me
Every Shabbos at 8 a.m. Chaya bursts forth, waving her arms overhead frenetically and intoning some well-meaning but inane advice to all assembled
Unwilling to drive home from the first Seder as she had done in previous years, she was going to spend the first Seder alone
The name Berel elicited a sigh — apparently, it wasn’t easy to help Berel. He was too rich, too poor, too independent, too much of a nebach