“If their menfolk are lost in the ocean’s waves, then these women will curse you and your luck will fail, and most likely your fortune too”
He looks. Three pieces of paper. One rough pen. A vial of ink. She speaks. “So that you can teach me,” she says
“When the authorities go after the Talmud, they search. Every synagogue. Every house. Every person. And everything is carted away”
“Clara. I know why you are not eating,” she says. “It is because you have already broken your fast, is it not?”
Just as she thinks that they should cease the day’s work, he says, “I do not see how you can avoid depicting the Garden of Eden”
The apples give him courage. He tucks them into a pocket on the inside of his cassock and grips the rope ladder with both hands
How can someone so poor that he must beg, be able to afford a book? Unless he has stolen it. Unless he is a thief
Clara closes the door behind them. The fewer people who see that a gentile man has entered their home, the safer the ...
It is not true what Papa said, that Jocef is the wind and she is the earth and they have no place together. It ...
“It is I. I am the guilty party. Do not blame my father and do not cast the guilt upon your son. The fault ...
Tears come, fast and free. She does not wipe them away. Let them come. Let them wipe away who she is, what she ...