A few remarkable stories from The Shabbos Project
Facing the “who we are” moments witnessed by others
Reclaiming the powerful middah of ne’emanus
“She knew it was my way or the highway,” he said
Remember: Your teen davening with a minyan is not your problem
Pointing the finger back at yourself
Why don’t we attend each other’s simchahs?
The material I had prepared to discuss with the girls was going to have to take a backseat. One question led to t ...
Desensitized by harmful, gratuitous sensationalism
Over the past decade, Tu B’Av, known as the Yom Tov of shidduchim, has spurred multiple articles on the painful, heartr ...
Ah, commitment! When it is lacking, nothing stands a chance of success, but when it is present, nothing stands in its ...