To be fair, Bruchy did give me advance notice. Not so far in advance that I could get out of it
Everyone’s fear was that I’d turn into her
A thread of indignation twists itself around my heart. How dare this WASP-y stranger lay claim to my aunt. As if she were one of them!
“It’s not safe, Beth, what with vagrants wandering around. All sorts of unsavory characters in these parts. I’ll let Benny nail the window”
“So, I’m moving to a development, and I need a Certificate of Authorization from the Department of Female Schmooze Development in order to get my C of O…”
She handed me a book, saying brightly, “This might be super-duper helpful for you in helping you understand your son better.” Super-duper? Are you 12?!
Layee smiled serenely. “Behind every great man, blah blah blah… And until a bochur finds his bashert, who is that great woman? His mother”
“It’s not fair. You make me do such hard stuff. My morah said we can bring you your slippers or a drink of water. Now I’m not gonna be in the raffle”
We had saved up our rubles, and now we needed to find a tree that was both lush and cheap, so we could use it for Xmas
The parenting coach was supposed to improve her parenting — not make things worse
A first date that her mother didn’t research. A first date that her parents wouldn’t meet. Until it became serious, of course