“Look at me for what I am. I’m a senior accountant at my firm, I pay taxes, pay my own health insurance, pay m ...
“And now,” Shifra continued, “is a time that will test us all. Because we have a magazine we need to put to bed ...
I will not allow Renana’s searing gaze to show me up as an overworked and underdeveloped frum mother,
“I don’t think you understand the severity of your actions” said Rebbetzin Greenfeld. “We are an academic institution not some common matchmaking service. We simply cannot condone ...
She did a last once-over in the mirror, deciding she looked absolutely perfect — which was the most important aspect of having a good time at a wedding
Frumet reaches for the dips again, and my smile wanes. I can’t — she can’t take refills. It’s just… gross. Doesn’t h ...
I opened a new document and hit ‘File, Save As’: The Great Jewish American Novel 1.doc. Success coursed through my vein ...
My mother smiled lightly. “How much is it?” The question sounded nonchalant, but only almost. I heard the catch in her ...
Welcome aboard Flight 517, and thanks for flying Ameri-delt UniLines!” In my other incarnation, I’m a travel agent. I spec ...
I was quiet. He continued. “Tzippy is going through a rough time in Yiddishkeit, and apparently you caused it. She does ...
It was starting to look like all three of his children would end up in the ground beside their ancestors,