“Ha!” Atara bounced onto her bed, folding her legs underneath her. “I’m not dumb. Though maybe you are, deciding to try out for Mommy’s film”

“How many people can you possibly expect? Fifty? Sixty? Even a hundred? This is a hall for 400. It will look ridiculous”

She had to go through the entire screenplay, pronto. With such a glaring error on the very first page, what would be with the rest?

Huvy frowned at Atara. Why did she have to go making Mommy feel guilty when it was clear something was bothering her?

She was pretending to be more than she was, and Rina Levitan was going to leave this meeting laughing her head off at Gabriella’s pretensions

“I need you to tell me that my film idea is amazing and revolutionary, that it’ll be stupendously successful and change the world”

“What if… we…” she hesitated briefly, then continued in a rush. “What if we made a film. You know, a full-length, women-only movie?”

Rina’s eyes shone. “Girl power! Frum teenage girls are going to unite to bring the Geulah! Can you imagine the impact of such a message?”

Because why? Because she wanted to so badly? Because Hashem wouldn’t have helped her discover a talent only to throw it away forever?

She looked so beautiful when she smiled like that. With an actual sparkle in her eyes. Why didn’t she do so more often?

Why, of all days, had Huvy picked today to actually get together with a friend? Her daughter never got together with friends