Home Front

Binyamin Rose and Gedalia Guttentag cover Israel’s biggest conflict in a generation: Operation Swords of Iron


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November 02, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Biden Administration messaging against Bibi
  • Israel waits for Nasrallah’s speech
  • Hamas’s billion-dollar real-estate empire

November 01, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Fierce clashes in Gaza as IDF learns new battlefield
  • Jack Lew’s Orthodoxy is irrelevant
  • Hamas, Hezbollah – and now the Houthis

October 31, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • The psy-ops war, round 1
  • Absent from the headlines: Israel’s steep economic toll
  • Israel bond investments, anyone?


October 30, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Strategic and symbolic: the IDF advances on Netzarim
  • Will history repeat itself with a hostage exchange?
  • Why Lieberman’s warnings fell on deaf ears

October 29, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Ex-Shabak official: Hamas still isn’t deterred
  • The danger of the British left
  • Republicans stand strong for Israel


October 26, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Bibi vs. international pressure
  • The Gaza tunnel threat
  • The day after Hamas
  • Jihadi PR hits trouble
October 25, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • A Holocaust lesson from the UN’s António Guterres
  • Is Bibi playing politics or strategy?
  • Stepped up security in Yerushalayim as schools and businesses cautiously re-open
  • A Bright Spot: “He wants Tefillin” the backstory to a viral video



October 24, 2023

Today on Home Front:

What’s going on in the IDF?
Gedalia talks to IDF Brigadier General (res.) Amir Avivi for some insights into the IDF’s thinking as everyone waits to see how the military operation will unfold


October 23, 2023

The event that shouldn’t have had to take place.

And what happened to the thousands of tzitzis that we all saw being tied?

October 22, 2023

Today on Home Front:

  • Is the release of 2 hostages good news for the rest of them?
  • The unacknowledged second front
  • The implications of the international military mobilization