
Perfect Harmony: YOSSI TYBERG

"It’s a characteristic Rabbi Boruch Chait composition, extremely melodic, and we really took it to a different place with those harmonies"


Can you think of a song that has amazing vocal arrangements?

Ican think of two songs that particularly stand out from a purely musical perspective. One is the first song on Shloime Gertner’s third album Vehiskin, called “Chayim.” It’s a characteristic Rabbi Boruch Chait composition, extremely melodic, and we really took it to a different place with those harmonies. Another is “Naaseh Venishma” on Yossi Green’s The 8th Note album. It’s a complex song, composed in a rhythm of five, which is a South American influenced rhythm, not conventionally used in Jewish music and quite difficult to sing. That hits the next level.

—Music and vocal producer, YOSSI TYBERG


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 848)

Shloime Gertner