
Kichels Celebration!

We want to hear about YOUR Kichels moments!

Break out the herring and schnapps and
join us in celebrating The Kichels second birthday!


It’s been two years since the Kichels began spreading their dry wit and stale humor, two years since they’ve started reflecting our follies and foibles from the pages of Mishpacha.

Have you seen Kichels crumbs in your own life? We want to hear about them!

Tell us about:

  • The strips that made you say, “I thought that was just me!”
  • The comics that you clipped and hung up, wondering if they’d been written about your family.
  • The punchlines that you heard quoted in speeches and shiurim, or that you told friends about
  • The moments in your life where you said, “This should go in the Kichels!”

Submit your Kichels thoughts on the form below, and enter a raffle to receive a free copy of the soon-to-be-released Kichels Collection!